
This is CEnttive

We cre­ate in­di­vid­ual, in­no­v­a­tive and
health ap­peal­ing communiCAtion

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We are your roof part­ner for health-op­ti­mized com­mu­ni­ca­tion that pos­i­tive­ly stim­u­lates your brain and shows you what’s ben­e­fi­cial for you and so­ci­ety. But we don’t just cre­ate the com­mu­ni­ca­tion that suits you best and brings you the great­est pos­si­ble suc­cess, we al­so ex­plore the com­mu­ni­ca­tion and psy­cho­log­i­cal pos­si­bil­i­ties that ex­ist in the fu­ture and bring sus­tain­able suc­cess. This means that we al­ways keep pace with the times, re­search the pos­i­tive and neg­a­tive think­ing of peo­ple, cre­ate in­sights adapt­ed to your com­pa­ny struc­tures and con­sumer en­vi­ron­ments, and use them to cre­ate the best pos­si­ble com­mu­ni­ca­tion that has a pos­i­tive ef­fect on peo­ple, their think­ing and behavior.

The founders Re­bec­ca van der Mer­ven and An­neke Nuís-Kramer did not ini­tial­ly be­lieve that Cent­tive would have such an ex­ten­sive ser­vice port­fo­lio to­day. Their in­ten­tion was to give star­tups and small busi­ness­es the same op­por­tu­ni­ties as larg­er cor­po­ra­tions for cre­at­ing and plac­ing emo­tion­al and ef­fec­tive ad­ver­tis­ing, re­gard­less of their bud­get. On Feb­ru­ary 1, 2010 they found­ed as ZK Start­up Agency based in Ham­burg. Over time, they be­came bet­ter known, and thanks to their train­ing as com­mu­ni­ca­tion and cog­ni­tive sci­en­tists, they man­aged to build and es­tab­lish their re­search for bet­ter com­mu­ni­ca­tion in­sights themselves.

To­day, Cent­tive con­sists of the four de­part­ments Cent­tive Cog­ni­tion In­sti­tute, Cent­tive Com­mu­ni­ca­tion In­sti­tute, Cent­tive Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Agency and Cent­tive Start­up Acad­e­my — with the goal of cre­at­ing the lat­est in­sights about hu­man think­ing, ac­tion and com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and thus the best pos­si­ble com­mu­ni­ca­tion for you. Health­ily adapt­ed to your busi­ness struc­tures and the needs of your (po­ten­tial) customers.

Our vi­sion

Our vi­sion, mo­ti­va­tion and passion

Our dai­ly am­bi­tion is to cre­ate com­mer­cial­ly sus­tain­able and so­cial­ly pos­i­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tions that turn star­tups in­to brands and es­tab­lish and de­vel­op brands.

This means, among oth­er things, that we al­ways have to be at the cut­ting edge and use those com­mu­ni­ca­tion strate­gies that work to­day and to­mor­row, are in­no­v­a­tive and evoke pre­cise­ly those emo­tions in the con­sumer that have a pos­i­tivis­tic and healthy ef­fect on think­ing and behavior.

We cre­ate cre­ative, me­di­al and tech­no­log­i­cal rel­e­vance for our clients’ tar­get groups and guar­an­tee mod­ern, in­no­v­a­tive, emo­tion­al, but even more ef­fi­cient and tar­get group spe­cif­ic com­mu­ni­ca­tion ex­pe­ri­ences. This vi­sion of im­prov­ing the in­di­vid­ual and the com­mu­ni­ty and there­by turn­ing star­tups in­to brands and es­tab­lish­ing brands sus­tain­ably is what in­spires us every day.

So­cial Responsibility

Our so­cial responsibility

We feel a shared re­spon­si­bil­i­ty for our dai­ly ac­tions and their im­pact on peo­ple and the en­vi­ron­ment. The con­fi­dence placed in us by our cus­tomers, em­ploy­ees, part­ners and the whole so­ci­ety gives us the op­por­tu­ni­ty to place com­mu­ni­ca­tion in such a way that peo­ple change their think­ing and be­hav­ior in a pos­i­tive way.

Be­cause it is im­por­tant to us that our em­ploy­ees are among the best in their field, we want them to be well and to feel good around the clock. In ad­di­tion to an ex­ten­sive train­ing pro­gram, we pro­mote to­geth­er­ness through reg­u­lar get-to­geth­ers of our in-house trainees, work ex­pe­ri­ence stu­dents and long-term em­ploy­ees, joint break­fasts and com­mu­ni­ca­tion at eye lev­el with the ut­most re­spect for each in­di­vid­ual and his or her needs. To­geth­er with the Wein­berg In­sti­tute, we de­vel­op in­di­vid­ual pro­grams that are tai­lored to each per­son, so that every­one can learn, ex­pe­ri­ence and de­vel­op at their own pace. 

In ad­di­tion, our en­vi­ron­ment is the most im­por­tant thing to us, be­cause with­out it the in­di­vid­ual and the col­lec­tive are noth­ing. Ac­cord­ing­ly, we cul­ti­vate a care­ful use of our re­sources, we use ef­fi­cient en­er­gy con­cepts (such as ad­vanced dis­trict heat­ing net­works and re­source-sav­ing re­frig­er­ants). More­over, we avoid the use of plas­tic and in­stead use glass prod­ucts or bio-pack­ag­ing re­sult­ing from the py­roliza­tion of plas­tic. For ex­am­ple, all our lo­ca­tions have fur­ni­ture made from bio­plas­tics and en­gage in reg­u­lar cam­paigns to re­move plas­tic waste from seas, rivers and lakes. This not on­ly strength­ens our in­ner sense of com­mu­ni­ty, but al­so the lives of those who are af­fect­ed by con­stant pollution.

Fi­nal­ly, all our lo­ca­tions are sit­u­at­ed in such a way that our cus­tomers, part­ners and em­ploy­ees can eas­i­ly reach them by pub­lic trans­port or by bi­cy­cle or on foot. We en­sure that our of­fice space is op­ti­mal­ly con­nect­ed to bus and rail ser­vices and of­fer car shar­ing for the dai­ly com­mute to the of­fice or home.

Our spe­cif­ic actions

What we do: Spe­cif­ic actions

We work for a wide range of in­dus­tries and com­pa­nies, from star­tups look­ing for a strate­gic con­cept to take off and es­tab­lish them­selves in the mar­ket up to brands seek­ing new com­mu­ni­ca­tion con­cepts to be ful­ly equipped for the fu­ture and to re­dis­cov­er them­selves in a new way.

Brand Com­mu­ni­ca­tion | Brand De­vel­op­ment | Brand Re­search | Po­lit­i­cal Com­mu­ni­ca­tion | So­cial Re­search | Mar­ket Re­search | Mar­ket De­vel­op­ment | Con­sumer Re­search | Con­sumer De­vel­op­ment |  So­cial Me­dia Re­port­ing | In­flu­encer Com­mu­ni­ca­tion | De­vel­op­ment | Start­up Com­mu­ni­ca­tion | Start­up De­vel­op­ment | Gen­er­al Cog­ni­tive re­search for the in­di­vid­ual | Spe­cif­ic cog­ni­tion ef­fects of Covid-19 | De­men­tia and Parkinson’s research

The CEnt­tive ManAGement

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An­neke Nuís-Kramer
CEO, Doc­tor­ate in com­mu­ni­ca­tion and cog­ni­tive sciences
Robert Hans­son
COO, Cog­ni­tive Mar­ket­ing Specialist 
Beat­rice van Meuven
CEO, In­ter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion expert
In­ay Singh
Head of Tech­ni­cal Da­ta Management
Ar­i­an Hunt
Head of Brand Management
Sabine Haiber
Head of Mar­ket Development
Tat­jana Keller
Head of Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Development


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